Very Disappointed

Friday I went in for my Day 12 ultrasound... I think it was actually Day 14 since I got started on the Clomid a little late. There was no dominant follicle, but there were a few small ones. So I was scheduled to go back today, Monday.

Today... no follicle. So unless he just didn't see it, it looks like the Clomid didn't work this month. It's really disappointing. Beyond disappointing actually.

So next week I'll have bloodwork done to check my Progesterone level and see if I ovulated but we didn't see it somehow. If it's positive, then I'll menstruate on my own. If not then I'll be on progesterone to start my period.

Where do we go from here? That's been the big question.

Dr. Richards talked a little about moving to injectible meds, which would be a lot more expensive... like $1,000 just for the drugs. But they are more reliable, according to him.

I almost feel like we should take a couple of months off. I need to get my blood pressure under control... it's been consistently high. Plus I could use the time to lose some weight. We're also debating about changing doctors when we go back. Not that we don't like Dr. Richards... I LOVE him! But he's very conservative and cautious in his approach. I feel like we need to be a little more aggressive. So we're thinking maybe one of the doctors we saw on call on a weekend might fit a little better.

I don't know... it's all just talk right now. We have time to think about it, I mean we have to actually finish this cycle, right?

Just trying to think about things objectively and make some decisions. We'll see where it goes.

On the blood pressure note though, Dr. Richards switched me to a different medication on Friday. He was a touch upset that I didn't get it filled this weekend so he could see if it was working today! Needless to say I went to the pharmacy on the way home, got it, took it, and then a few hours later took my blood pressure. Holy cow! It definitely worked!! I went from 154/115 this afternoon at my appointment to 126/74 this evening! WOW! And YAY! Because that will help us avoid a lot of problems later when I do get pregnant.

*sigh* Tomorrow is another day, right?


Thankful Terri said...

Heather I am so sorry to hear that it didn't work this cycle. My heart really goes out to you. I know what you are going through. Keep your head up. I know its hard.