
Sorry I haven't updated in forever! I finished a round of Provera, started my period last week and then started Clomid on Saturday. Today is day 5.... last dose of Clomid for this cycle. We should know in about 3 weeks if it worked!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Movin' Along

Jack and I went to see Dr. Atkins yesterday. He jinxed me last time I was in his office by saying I’d be pregnant by December! (At that time I had had three regular periods, but haven’t had a single one since then!) So we talked Clomid. He told us about the side effects, the risk of multiples, etc. After that he did a regular exam, a pap, and gave me two prescriptions. One is for Provera, which will get a period started for me. That way we know when to start counting day one of my cycle. The other is for Clomid. I’ll take five doses of Clomid starting on day 5 of my cycle. Then on day 21 he’ll do bloodwork. If I have an elevated progesterone level, that means I ovulated, and the Clomid worked! If not, then we increase the dosage next month. Day 30 I’ll take a pregnancy test if I haven’t started another period, and we’ll just go from there!

I really, really like Dr. Atkins. He’s young, cool, very personable, and isn’t offended when I start a sentence with “I read on the internet that….” :o)

So here’s hoping for lots and lots of baby dust!!


Can we call a do- over? :o)

For anyone who still might watch this blog, yes, I'm still here. It's been one heck of a year!

November 3rd, 2005 Jack was in a major motorcycle accident and almost lost his right leg. After two months in the hospital, sixteen surgeries, 11 months of physical therapy, one wheelchair, one pair of crutches, and now two canes (yes, I broke the first one!).... we are starting BACK on the road to starting a family!

Back in May I changed doctors. I'm working a lot closer to home now, so Dr. Richards is kind of far for me to go. My new gynocologist is Dr. Baron Atkins. Yes, I'm seeing Dr. Atkins! lol (You should have seen my mom's face the first time I told her THAT one!) He is awesome! Totally cool, young, and completely enthusiastic for us.

When I saw him in May, he did the typical exam and bloodwork. Well guess what - the bloodwork showed that I had a high TSH level (that's thyroid!). So he sent me to my primary doctor to discuss that. Well, after fighting with my primary doctor about whether I really needed it or not (hello! We've been discussing all the symptoms and you've been treating them all separately!)... he finally prescribed thyroid medicine.

About ten days later, I had a period! (I should insert some sort of fireworks picture here!) It was the first time I had a "natural" period in, um, like ten years people!! For three months I had regular periods. Granted they were short, but they were PERIODS!! So I went back to see Dr. Atkins in August and say hey doc, it's working! He says great! You'll be preggo by Christmas, see you then! Guess what.... no period since then! Just my luck.

So now, we're kind of back to square one. Well really it's more like square two and a half. I'm going back to Dr. Atkins for my pap, etc. and he'll probably start me on Clomid or something. We'll see.

But the big news is... we're back on the horse!