Starting Over (again!)

lol... that's what it feels like each month... we go all the way back to the beginning and begin again, and again, and again! lol I feel like I should just copy and paste from previous posts!

So I went to Dr. Richards today for my checkup and go ahead for this cycle. Basically he does an ultrasound to make sure there's no lingering cysts. I got the all clear, so I'm starting (again) the Clomid today.

One change this cycle is the Estrogen patch. My uterine lining was borderline too thin for implantation, so the patch should help with that.

We talked about what happened last cycle (I really need to call them cycles instead of months, but more on that later). Dr. Richards thinks that we missed the ovulation by a day. Basically, we should have done the IUI earlier. I think from here on out we're going to take a "Sperm wait for the egg" approach. Meaning that we do the IUI close to, but before we anticipate ovulation so that the sperm are sitting there waiting for the egg to be released. That's fine with me! From what I've read, that approach can yield a better chance of having a girl. So we'll see! I'll be happy with either to be completely honest. :o)

One of the things I've been doing lately is confusing my days/dates. lol Someone will ask what today's date is and I want to tell them Day 7.... as in CYCLE day 7! lol And my cycles are spanning across months, so it gets confusing to say last month, when I mean last cycle. So I really need to do a better job of keeping my terminology straight!

Anyway, that's about it. I was really bummed about not having an "announcement" for Christmas, but maybe we'll have one for Martin Luther King Jr's birthday? lol Because I don't want to have to wait for Valentine's Day!! :o)


Heather Ales said...

Ooooh MLK day is so close to MY birthday! I would love nothing better than for you to be expecting on my bday! Seriously - that would ROCK!

I am so sorry though. My heart really hurts for you!

Anonymous said...

Notes from the peanut gallery:
Hey girlie it will happen!! Keep your head up. God will give you your gift just trust and believe that it will happen.

Thankful Terri said...

Heather, I hear January 25, is a lucky day... That is when I ovulated and got pregnant. Your getting there. I hope for an early announcement that your pregnant. I will keep my fingers crossed. Terri