Where Are We Now?

Just popping in for a (hopefully) quick update.

Talked to the nurse at Dr. Richards' office today. Jack's swimmers are just fine. No problems there. They are waiting for my HSG tests to come back... should be later this week... but the radiologist told me everything looked great there.

So here came my next question.... now what?

Well, I go see the endocrinologist. Which sucks. Totally. Because my endocrinologist appointment isn't until after Thanksgiving. UGH!! I am SOOO not patient. I mean, that's like SIX weeks away!!! I think I might call them and see if they've had any cancellations. Supposedly I'm on the cancellation list, but I just want to make sure.

My big burning question (that I didn't ask!) is do I have eggs that just aren't being released? I know that I'm not releasing eggs because I don't have a period. But are there any there at all? Are they just sitting there not getting the signal to be released? If so, then there's a shot that will trigger them to release. But again... I don' t know if that's an option.

Maybe I'll call Dr. Richard's nurse tomorrow and ask. The radiologist said she can't tell that on her X-ray thing, that they have to do a sonogram to tell if there are any follicles, eggs, and sizes/stages. Maybe we can do that in the next six weeks. Who knows.

Today's been a rough day. I don't know why, but all of this stuff has just really been on my mind today. I've been so busy with work, but my mind keeps going back over and over again thinking about our situation. Wondering if it will ever happen for us (see, I told you I'm not a patient person!). It's a very, very frustrating place to be. Ok, stopping there... don't want to start crying again.

So much for quick! lol